Chhota Katra

Chhota Katra, Dhaka  is situated about around 183 meter east of the bara katra at hakim habibur rahman lane on the bank of the river Buriganga in Mughal (old) Dhaka.

The Katra is rectangular in plan, 101.20 m × 92.05m externally and 81.07m 69.19 m internally. The thickness of the outer walls is 0.91 to 1.00m and the maximum thickness of the bastion walls is 1.22m. It is similar in plan to that of the Bara Katra, but is smaller in size. There are two gateways, one on the north and the other on the south. The southern one is the main entrance. Both the gateways, though much altered recently, are still in situ. In the two outer corners of the south wall of the structure there are two octagonal towers. The structures around the open courtyard have undergone much renovation, reconstruction and repair. Many modern extensions were also added to the original building. The three storied gateway on the river side has assumed some colonial features. The triple windows and the lofty angle towers reflect the colonial influence during subsequent restoration.

The Chhota Katra is believed to have been built by Shaista Khan in about 1664 AD. It is also said that the Katra was constructed to accommodate some officials and also a part of Shaista Khan’s expanding family.

It is evident that the structure has lost much of its original look through indiscriminate alterations and unworthy restoration, though they have given it some durability. The two Katras of Dhaka have not been taken under the protection of the Department of Archaeology, and the specimens of this type of architecture in Bangladesh are on the verge of total extinction.

Salban Vihar

Salban vihara in Mainamati, Comilla, Bangladesh is one of the best known Buddhist viharas in the Indian Subcontinent and is one of the most important archaeological sites in the country. At the end of the 8th century, King Shri Bhavadeva (Vobodev) made the "Salban Bihar" in this place. The digging started from 80th decades[clarification needed]. Many archaeological elements were found here. Most of them are kept in the Mainamati Museum now.

Before 1200 years ago the King Bhava Deva, the fourth ruler of the Early-Deva dynasty built that place on 168 square meters of ground. It was the royal palace for the early Buddhist students. This site, previously called Shalban Rajar Bari, came out after archaeological excavation as a Buddhist monastery and hence termed as Salban vihara from the terracotta seals and copper plates discovered. Its original name is supposed to have been Bhava Deva Mahavihara after the 4th king of the early Deva dynasty which ruled this region from the mid-7th to mid-8th centuries AD. It was built in or on the outskirts of Devaparvata, the Samatata capital bordering the Lalambi forest.

About eight kilometres west of Comilla town, lies a range of low hills known as the Mainamati-Lalmai range which is dotted with more than 50 ancient Buddhist settlements dating from the 8th to the 12th centuries. Almost at middle is the Salvan Vihara of 115 cells built around a spacious courtyard with a cruciform temple in the centre. About 5 kilometres north of Shalvan Vihara is Kutila Mura, which is a picturesque relic of a unique Buddhist establishment

This was once a self-contained Buddhist monastery where, monks lived, studied and prayed.It was the royal palace for the early Buddhist students.Students from various places come here for their meditation and religious learning. During their study period the students stay in the dormitory/cells around the temple. It’s such a quite place inside a barren forest and one of the greatest tourist spots in Bangladesh.

Tomb of Ghiyasuddin Azam Shah

Ghiyasuddin Azam Shah was the third Sultan of the first Iliyas Shahi dynasty of Bengal.

He is the most widely known of the medieval Sultans of Bengal. His tomb is situated in Narayanganj of current day Bangladesh.

Ghiyasuddin Azam Shah's Tomb the earliest existing structure of the Sultanate period in Bangladesh. It is a stone sarcophagi-tomb at Shahchilapur of sonargaon and is ascribed to Sultan ghiyasuddin azam shah, the third Iliyas Shahi ruler of Bengal. The tomb stands on the edge of a dried up pond, locally known as Magh Dighi, located about a hundred feet east of the panch pir dargah, and on the southern outskirts of the old city.

The fine stone sarcophagus consists of a single block of black basalt forming a keeled top that is placed on a table of the same material. According to james wise, 'this was formerly surrounded by an enclosure of stone pillars which supported a canopy on the top'. It was embellished with chiselled work on stone. Today, the decoration is seen only on its eastern face.

The cornice of the table has a line of billet decoration below a beaded ornament - a pattern very similar to that of the stone carvings of the ‘Badxah Ka Takht’ in the adina mosque. Below this line there are a series of panels, each decorated with trefoil-arched niche and a hanging motif within. This looks like a shika design hanging from the roof of an arched window and had been described by Dani as a motif of a lamp. This motif bears similarity with that of the Adina Mosque in pandua and the goaldi mosque in Sonargaon.

The only difference is that here they are held in double chains, whereas in the mihrab of the Adina Mosque it is suspended from a single chain. Formerly, at the head of the tomb stood a sandstone pillar, which carried a lamp (chiragdan). The style of the design and carvings make this tomb very close in time to the Adina mosque.

There is no inscription on the tomb, but this appears to be the earliest existing monument to copy the decorative designs of the Adina Mosque. Local legend ascribes it to Sultan Ghiyasuddin Azam Shah who died in 813AH/ 1410 AD. Thus the monument may be placed in the early 15th century AD, when Ghiyasuddin was the sultan of Bengal. Architecturally, the monument belongs to the period of this sultan as it follows the decorative style of the Adina mosque built by his father sikandar shah.

There is a controversy among scholars about the identity of the person buried in this tomb. ahmad hasan dani, on the basis of local legends, ascribed it to Ghiyasuddin Azam Shah. But buchanan records that he was buried in the eklakhi mausoleum at hazrat pandua. Literary evidence testify that Sultan sikandar shah died in course of a fight with his son Ghiyasuddin near Sunnagar, a village about 20 miles west of Sonargaon. The place might be near modern Songar and Katasur within mauza Jafrabad of old Dhaka district.

Ghiyasuddin, though overwhelmed by grief at this tragic event, left his father's funeral at the hands of his courtiers and rushed to Pandua to establish his succession to the throne. It appears more likely, therefore, that Sikandar Shah was buried hurriedly at Sonargaon. The tomb of Sikandar Shah, usually identified with the chamber at the back of the Adina Mosque, is unlike a tomb. Once it was a nine-domed chamber, though the domes no longer exist now. There is no stone grave within this chamber. In all likelihood, it was a resting place and a place from which the sultan's horse could reach up to the second storey of the mosque through a postern gate. This gave an access to the 'Badxah Ka Takht', a protected enclosure of the mosque for the sultan. It was a feature identical to the ones at chhota sona mosque and the darasbari mosque. Buchanan Hamilton's record lends support to this theory. Though ghulam husain salim has mentioned that the tomb of Jalaluddin Muhammad Shah was at Pandua, he in fact, does not specifically link it to the Eklakhi tomb. On the contrary, he has stated that there was a large tower over the mausoleum at Pandua where the family members of Jalaluddin Muhammad Shah lie buried. It is not; however, clear what he exactly meant by a 'large tower'. Sayeed Ilahi Bakhsh identified the large grave inside the Eklakhi mausoleum with that of Jalaluddin and the smallest one with that of his son, while he to be that of Jalaluddin's wife identified the grave located between the two.

Among the historians, Buchanan alone suggests that the three graves belong to Ghiyasuddin, Jainuddin, and Wazuhuddin. However, since Ghiyasuddin died at Pandua and Sikandar Shah at Sonargaon, it is more logical to believe that Ghiyasuddin was buried at Pandua and Sikandar Shah at Sonargaon. Sufice it to say that Ghiyasuddin Azam Shah was a great builder and a patron of indigenous craftsmen - both Hindus and Muslims - and that the Eklakhi Mausoleum is a synthesis of the two art traditions. The prevailing terracotta art of Bengal in which the Hindus excelled was liberally used in this monument. It is indeed a museum of terracotta art where as many as 13 patterns are found embellishing its wall surface. Ghiyasuddin spent his early life at Sonargaon and later at Gaur. In all likelihood he built the present tomb at Sonargaon for his father and erected the famous Eklakhi mausoleum at Pandua for his own internment.

Bara Katra

Bara Katra is a historical and architectural monument located in the city of Dhaka, Bangladesh.‘Katra/ katara’ in Arabic and Persian means ‘Caravan (Karwan) Sarai’ or simply a ‘Sarai’. It is a palatial building dating to the reign of the Mughal dynasty in the Bengal region. It is situated to the south of Chowk Bazaar close to the north bank of the river Buriganga.

History: Bara Katra was built between 1644 and 1646 CE to be the official residence of Mughal prince Shah Shuja, the second son of emperor Shah Jahan. The prince endowed it to his diwan and the builder of the serai, Abul Qasim. The word Katra may have originated from Arabic word Katara which means colonnaded building.

Structure : Bara Katra originally enclosed a quadrangular courtyard with 22 rooms on all of its four sides. The ruins consist of an edifice having a river frontage. The southern wing of the structure was planned on a grand scale and was marked with an elaborate three-storeyed gate containing an octagonal central chamber. The remaining portion was two-storeyed and encased by projected octagonal towers.

The gateway structure is lofty in height and projected towards the river. A tall alcove rising to the second storey reduces the mass of this projection. The wall surface is relieved with panels that are square as well as rectangular and that contain a variety of decorations of four-centred, cusped, horseshoe and flat arches. Above the apex of the alcove open the windows of the third storey. Under the alcove is the main arched entrance which leads to the guardroom. Passing through the two successive archways come an octagonal domed hall, the ceiling of which is plastered and bears various net-patterns and foliaged designs. The two-storeyed structure resolves on both sides of the central entrance into a row of five vaulted rooms in the ground floor and living rooms with a continuous corridor on the upper one. The three-storeyed corner towers are hollow and can be approached from the subsidiary structures.

Architecture: The building's architecture follows the traditional pattern of the Central Asia's caravanserai and is embellished as per Mughal architecture. It originally enclosed a quadrangular courtyard surrounded by shops and was overlooked by a row of 22 living cells in each wing. Two gateways were built in the northern and southern wing. The southern wing is a two-storeyed structure and extends 223' along the river. It is marked in the middle by the southern gateway -- an elaborate three storey central archway framed within a projected rectangular bay -- that provides access to the courtyard. The underside of the arched alcove of the gateway is adorned with intricate plasterwork. The wall surface around the spandrels with plastered panels in relief contain a variety of forms such as four-centred, cusped, horse shoe and flat arches. Each wing is two storeyed and the corners are marked by tall octagonal towers.

Northbrook Hall

Northbrook Hall (Lalkuthi) was built (1879-1880) as a town hall during the British period. Situated at Farashgonj road in Old Dhaka, on the north bank of the Buriganga River. Northbrook Hall is an Indo-Saracen building, which is a fusion of Mughal architecture and European Renaissance architectural styles.

Northbrook Hall was originally built as a town hall during the British period. It is situated at Farashgonj road in Old Dhaka, Bangladesh on the north bank of the Buriganga River.

In 1874, Indian Governor Thomas George Baring, Lord Northbrook, the Viceroy of India between 1872 and 1876, came to visit Dhaka. In order to make his visit memorable, Raja Rai Bahadur, along with eminent Zamidars and affluent citizens of Dhaka, donated 10 thousand and 5 thousand taka each to build the Town Hall in 1879. Abhay Chandra Das was the committee secretary. In 1880, the Commissioner of Dhaka inaugurated it and the personal orchestra of Nawab Abdul Ghani was brought to entertain the commissioner and the guests on inauguration.

On 8 February 1882, a public library was added on the south-east side of the Hall. It was named the Northbrook Public Library and became known for its literary collection. Many books were ruined during the 1971 Liberation War. To re-establish the library, the Maharaja of Tripura donated 1000 TK, the Zamidar of Baliati Brojendro Kumar Roy 1000 TK, Queen Shornomoi 700 TK, Kalikhrishno 500 TK and Bishaishori Devi donated 500 TK. In 1887, the library opened with 1000 books.

A clubhouse was added to the south-side and called Johnson Hall. At Northbrook Hall, Nobel Laureate poet Rabindranath Tagore was honoured by Dhaka Municipality and the People's Association on 7 February 1926. In 1950, Northbrook Hall was used as a telegram office, and later as the Central Women’s College. The building is the property of Dhaka Municipality Corporation.

Choto Sona Masjid

It is a remarkably fine architectural specimen of the Sultante Period. It was built by Wali Muhammad son of Ali during the reign of Sultan Hossain Shah (1493-1519). It has fifteen gilded domes including three chauchala domes in the middle row. Chief attractions of the Mosque are its intricate stone carvings and decoration.

Choto Shona Mosque is located in Chapai Nawabganj district of Bangladesh. The mosque is situated about 3 km south of the Kotwali Gate and 0.5 km to the south-east of the Mughal Tahkhana complex in the Firozpur Quarter.

The mosque was built during the reign of Sultan Hussain Shah, between 1493 and 1519. The fifteen domes of the mosque were once gilded, giving the mosque the name of Choto Shona Masjid (Small Golden Mosque). The mosque is one of the best-preserved sultana monuments under protection by the Department of Archaeology and Museums, Governments of Bangladesh. The gilding that gave the building its name does not exist anymore. The mosque premise, which covers an area of 42 m from east to west by 43.5 m from north to south, was originally surrounded by an outer wall (now restored) with a gateway in the middle of the east side.

Tomb of Haji Baba Saleh

Baba Saleh Mosque (1481 AD). This is one of the archaeological sites in Bangladesh listed by Department of Archaeology of Bangladesh.